February 09, 2021 3 min read

How to Identify Stress Symptoms and Remedies for Stress Reduction

Stress is an inevitable condition in a person’s life. It relates to emotional, mental and physical tension. Can you believe that stress is also good? Yes, you heard it right. It is important because stress symptoms trigger certain chemicals in our mind. The release of those chemicals helps us to face the challenges of life. This stress is positive because it is a motivational factor for us.

         On the contrary, there is negative stress too. If a person feels stressed about something constantly, then it is the onset of negative tension. The negative strain has a bad influence on our mind and body.

Stress Symptoms

Although there are diverse stress symptoms, yet some of the common symptoms of stress are:

  1. 1. Headaches: Whenever you feel stress, the first symptom you observe is a pounding headache. This headache is because of tension, which leads to stress. There are multiple events in our lives, causing a headache. The best possible solution is to avoid the stress triggering moments. You can divert your attention towards something positive to evade these headaches.
  2. Frequent sickness: Stress is the most significant factor contributing to poor health. Our immune system becomes weak as well as our body resistance starts reducing. As a result, our body receives more viruses and infections. All of this weakness affects our multiple body organs like the respiratory and digestive system.
  3. 3. Chronic fatigue: Whenever you are under stress, you feel very low and de-motivated. Stress is the prime reason for fatigue and tiredness. Another name for this issue is systemic exertion intolerance disease.
  4. Mood swings: Stress levels are a significant reason behind mood swings. Negative emotions trigger feelings such as tension, irritation, restlessness, and sadness. Eventually, it leads to depression and pessimism.
  5. Other: Likewise, there are many other symptoms associated with stress. They include a change in appetite, hair fall, acne, sweating and pain.

 How to Relieve Stress

There are multiple ways to cope with stress. However, six major stress reduction techniques are:

  1. Exercise:

 Exercise is the best tool to counter stress. Primarily, it lowers stress hormones. Along with that, it also improves sleep as well as boosts confidence.

  1. Caffeine intake: 

Caffeine is present in tea, coffee and chocolate. When the caffeine intake exceeds, it makes a person anxious. However, tolerance for caffeine varies from person to person.

  1. Chewing gum:

According to researches, chewing gum reduces anxiety level. It increases focus and vigilance level. It also lowers the release of Cortisol, which is a stress hormone. As a result, a person stays positive and happy.

  1. Meditate:

Meditation is one of the best ways to ease the stress from the body. It helps the brain to neutralize the pathways and helps in recovery from stress.

  1. Deep breaths:

         Deep breathing is vital to stress releasing activity. Practicing deep breathing for even five minutes a day shows remarkable results. It helps to deal with stress symptoms like hypertension, slow heart rate and fast breathing.

  1. Laugh:

Nothing in the world can deny the value of laughter. Laughter is indeed a tonic. It helps to relax the muscles and releases stress. Moreover, in the end, it also improves our immune system.

         Consequently, high-stress levels harm our health. Identification of the symptoms helps to manage stress. Several activities help you to cope with stress and make you a stress-free person.