March 05, 2021 3 min read

Omega-3 Foods that Your Body Need; Find out Benefits and Sources

Omega-3 foods contain essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. They can obtain it only through omega-3 foods.Three different types of omega-3 are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The preferred sources are DHA and EPA, the kinds found in seafood sources like salmon and sardines. ALA, on the other hand, is present in some plant foods. Those plant foods include certain nuts and seeds as well as high-quality cuts of meat like grass-fed beef. 

Foods with Omega-3 are better

People living in Okinawa, Japan, live longer because of the consumption of Omega-3 foods. Direct sources of obtaining DHA and EPA are preferable. It includes eggs and nuts for breakfast or fish for dinner. 

Other populations that consume plenty of omega-3 foods include those living in the Mediterranean region, including Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish and French populations. Researchers even found that although the typical Mediterranean diet is high in overall fat, people in these areas suffer much lower incidences of heart disease on average than Americans do. More processed omega-3 foods are likely to come into markets, and we will get aware of their benefits. 

Best and Worst Omega-3 Foods

Omega-3 becomes part of processed foods artificially, but it is best to consume genuine food sources, primarily wild-caught seafood. Pasteurized dairy products, fruit juices, conventional (non-organic or cage-free) eggs, margarine, soy milk, yogurt, bread, flours, weight-loss drinks and many types of baby foods contain these essential fatty acids.  

Benefits of Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids help to maintain the following:

  1. Cardiovascular health
  2. Blood sugar levels
  3. Relieve muscular and joint pain
  4. Balance cholesterol level
  5. Improve mood and prevent depression
  6. Boost immunity
  7. Treat digestive disorders
  8. Reduce cancer risks

Best Omega-3 Foods

Farmed fish has more omega-6 fatty acids and less omega-3 fatty acids. That is why wild-caught fish is preferable because farm-raised fish is always inferior in quality and nutrients to freshly caught fish. 

Other Natural Sources

Generally, all the natural sources having omega-3 come from plants. Some other natural sources of omega-3 are following:

  • Nuts and Seeds

Walnuts, chia and flaxseeds, butternuts are prominent sources of ALA. Most importantly, they also provide some essential nutrients to the body.

  • Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are also a good source of ALAs. Some of the vegetables enriched in omega-3s include Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach and watercress.

  • Oils

Most of the oils particularly have omega-3 in the form of ALAs. Algal oil is easily convertible into DHA. 


There are many ways to utilize omega-3 foods in recipes. Some of the best recipes are Salmon Patties Recipe, Savory Baked Fish Recipe, and Oatmeal with Chia Seeds. Recipes prepared with omega-3 are full of taste and nutrition. Dietitians recommend using omega-3 oil in daily life as its health benefits are vast.

Risks and Side Effects

Omega-3 are very safe and effective to use, but some people can experience mild side effects. Some of the side effects that can occur due to the consumption of Omega-3 are:

  • Fish burps
  • A fishy taste in the mouth 
  • Stomach pains or nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic reactions
  • Changes in blood sugar levels 


While most people do not experience these side effects, it is better to consult your doctor while taking omega-3 supplements. Moreover, avoid eating some specific types of fish. They can prove toxic.