marzo 05, 2021 3 min read

What is Leptin? How Can It Control Our Hunger Level and Appetite?

What is Leptin? Ghrelin and leptin are two hunger hormones that regulate our body weight and metabolism. Leptin regulation is possible by following some treatments and exercises.

What Is the Leptin Hormone?

A peptide hormone plays a role in weight regulation. It suppresses appetite. Its other name is starvation hormone because it signals the brain to regulate energy levels and appetite. Factors that influence leptin and ghrelin levels are:

  • Calories
  • Sleeping/Waking routine
  • Exercise
  • Stress

Adipose tissues in the body regulate leptin. Leptin levels increase when body fat increases and vice versa. Hunger level decreases when leptin increases.

Difference between ghrelin and leptin

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone, while leptin is a satiety hormone. Ghrelin increases the urge to eat, whereas leptin decreases the temptation to eat. Both work together to maintain body weight.

Leptin Resistance and Obesity

Leptin resistance has a strange relation with obesity. It happens when the brain is in starvation mode, but the body is still in obese form. A person with leptin resistance starts eating more as the brain does not get the signal of satiation.  

How to Make Leptin Work for You

Firstly, you need to know that it is not only leptin that controls your weight. Other factors are diet, genes, health and medical history. Various ways to regulate leptin levels are:

  1. Leptin Diet

The leptin diet removes the sugary and processed foods from the diet. It includes the foods that fulfill hunger level.

  • High fiber foods 

It includes veggies, salads, fruits and soups. They control hunger and increase meal satisfaction.

  • High-protein foods 

Protein foods keep metabolism up, control hunger and increase muscle mass. Foods include wild fish, eggs and beans

  • Healthy Fats

Fats control hunger and are good at nutrient absorption. Adding a small amount of coconut oil, avocado or seeds to a daily diet will help in weight regulation.

  1. Alternate Day Calorie Cycling & Intermittent Fasting 

Intermittent fasting and its other form improve leptin sensitivity and help in fat loss. Fasting controls inflammation and retains energy levels. Leptin levels decrease in people with time-restricted fasting, but it does not affect their energy levels.

  1. Mindful Eating

Some tips for mindful eating are:

  • Avoid eating with distractions
  • Chew your food slowly
  • Fill the plate with veggies and fruits
  • Avoid beverages
  • Use soup or salads as starters
  • Avoid junk food
  1. Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is an effective way to regulate leptin

 levels in the body. It increases your metabolic activity and regulates leptin levels in the body. Exercise releases stress and keeps your concentration level high. A combination of different fat burning workouts is good for optimum results. However, too much exercise decreases leptin levels and increases hunger.

  1. Rest and Stress Management

Stress is the most significant factor behind increase hunger level and weight gain. Similarly, sound sleep helps to relax your mind and body. Various activities like meditation, yoga and exercise can reduce stress levels.

  1. “Cheat Days” Are OK

Cheat days help to optimize the weight regulation process. Cheats days increase your calorie intake on specific days and give false signals to the brain. It leads to an increase in leptin levels.

  1. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is a very effective tool to gauge calorie intake. Food journals help you to keep an eye on the items you eat. Other ways are to contact a dietitian, personal trainer or friend. 


The purpose of leptin is to regulate your body appetite to control weight. There are various means to do this. However, the effective ones are those which your body accepts happily.