At Dr. Reyes Wellness, we fact-check all current health and wellness trends to bring you the latest studies and research based health news.

IBS Diet Plan, Including What Foods to Avoid

marzo 05, 2021 3 min read

What is IBS? IBS or irritable bowel syndrome affects 7-21% of the general population. IBS diet plan is suitable for people suffering from diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas. It includes unprocessed, whole foods providing fibers and vitamins.
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What Are Leaky Gut Symptoms? Diets to Reduce Leaky Gut Problems

marzo 05, 2021 3 min read

The leaky gut syndrome is a silent killer for people as they are not aware of it. However, a leaky gut diet can treat it. Leaky gut not only affects the digestive system but also affects other health conditions.  Leaky gut symptoms can vary from person to person.
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